This article will guide you through managing team members. The Team Member feature enhances team management by allowing you to move members between teams, assign them to multiple teams, or remove them as needed. It provides clear visibility into team compositions, ensuring efficient organization. Additionally, unassigned members can be easily placed into their appropriate teams, […]
Advanced Topics
This section is dedicated to more advanced users. Here we’ll cover topics such as how to run different analyses, how to organize your Collectors, how to better share your confidential information, etc.
Maturity Framework
This article will guide you through creating and managing Maturity frameworks. The maturity framework offers a structured approach to assess and track team progress. By defining and visualizing maturity levels, teams gain a clearer understanding of their capabilities and areas for improvement. Create Maturity Framework To start creating Maturity frameworks, first, navigate to Settings and […]
Creating and Managing Data Categories
The Categories allow survey creators to define categories like location, preference, or role when setting up a survey. Upon completion of the survey, the feature allows for the aggregation of data not just as a whole but segmented according to these categories. This means that survey creators can filter the results based on these categories […]
External API data extract
This article will show you the process of accessing our external API to fetch and export data. This proves highly valuable for developers seeking to harness API data extraction for their specific requirements, integrating it seamlessly into their systems. Navigating to the Integrations screen Open Settings Click on Integrations The short video below shows how […]
Creating Your Own Capability
This article will guide you through creating a custom survey, which will give you a fully customized experience for all your needs in terms of creating a survey. Besides custom surveys, we have a variety of genuine surveys, created by domain experts and validated by data scientists. Contents Create your own Capability Create new capability […]
Where to Find Your SAFe ID
This article will guide you through the steps for finding your SAFe ID. SAFe ID is an essential identifier, allowing you to access premium features and 5 free teams in Comparative Agility. Navigating to the SAFe Studio To find your SAFe ID, please navigate to the SAFe Studio and log into your account using your […]
Changing Survey Branding in Comparative Agility
This article will guide you through the process of customizing survey branding in Comparative Agility. By adjusting branding elements, you can create a tailored survey experience that reflects your company’s identity. Accessing the Branding Section: Navigate to “Settings” in the Comparative Agility platform. Select the “Branding” section. Within the branding section, you will find two […]
Vertical anchors
Vertical anchors in surveys refer to the responses or options listed vertically in a survey question. They are used to provide a clear and consistent reference point for respondents to use while answering survey questions. Navigating to the Survey screen First, click on Custom Capability Choose between the existing capability or a blank canvas The […]
Reverse scoring
Reverse scoring is used sometimes to ensure that we can find internal validity within the assessment and also “surprise” survey takers so they keep their attention throughout the survey. So how do you interpret the results of a reverse statement in Comparative Agility? By default, high scores in CA are a “good thing”. That is […]
Data transfer between two accounts
Can I transfer my data from one Comparative Agility from my personal account to our corporate account? Yes, we can transfer the data from one account to another. Please contact us at for more information.