I have created a collector for a team and have gathered the data. It is now another quarter and I want to gather data for the team again and then compare how the team changed over time. Can I do that within a single collector or do I need to create multiple collectors for the same team?

The short answer is yes: to compare teams over time, we recommend creating separate Collectors for each point in time.

Think of a Collector as a snapshot in time of how a team perceives they are performing across various dimensions of agility. By having this initial snapshot in time, you can compare how the team (or program and organization, as you scale) is doing across multiple points in time, giving you insight into where you can help as a coach and agile change leader. This becomes one critical part of a data-driven approach to continuous improvement.

As you continue to evolve and improve as an organization, you can use these Collectors to help provide insight into how your teams are doing across multiple points in time, against industry indices and against other parts of your organization. The analytical insights provided with this data will help you separate the signal from the noise and isolate the key areas where you can do the most good.

If you require any further information, please send us an email and we will get back to you right away!