Up to this point, you have been organizing your data using Collectors, which are team-based data repositories captured at a point in time.

While Collectors allowed for immense flexibility, they also created significant challenges: each Capability (assessment) had to have its own Collector structure, each time a survey was to be sent out, a new Collector (and associated structure) needed to be created, and for some of our larger clients with 1000s of teams, it became overly complex to organize the data.

Simply put, as the world’s largest continuous improvement platform, the benefit caused by the flexibility of the Collector structure was outweighed by the complexity involved in organizing the data.

Moving to a team-based structure is more intuitive, scales better, and provides more opportunities for advanced analytics regarding each team, program, and organization as insights from each Capability are integrated.

Rather than having to create a new Collector for each insight in a Capability, you can now capture multiple insights from multiple Capabilities related to a team, program, or organization overall. It allows for more comprehensive insights with much less effort.

Team implementation gives you the ability to enter team members’ email addresses per team so that you can quickly send new surveys for multiple Capabilities without having to re-enter email addresses each time.


If you require any further information, please send us an email and we will get back to you right away!