For large organizations and enterprises, efficiency is key. With the introduction of Mass Updates in Comparative Agility, you can now manage multiple teams or your entire company structure with ease. This powerful feature streamlines your workflow by enabling you to perform multiple actions at once, enhancing your organizational agility and effectiveness.

How to Perform Mass Updates

  • Log in to your Comparative Agility account
  • Navigate to the Structure screen

To learn more about the Structure screen, please visit our Help Center article Structure Screen.

  • Select multiple teams or your company structure
  • Choose the action you wish to perform: Create Capability, Start New Survey, Schedule Survey, Send Reminder, Close Survey, Move Teams or Folders, or Delete Teams or Folders
  • Follow the prompts to complete the Mass Updates process

In the short video below we show you how to perform Mass Updates

Create Capability

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Create Capability option
  • Locate the Capability
  • Click on Continue
  • Choose between the options available: Share and invite your teammates, Postpone sharing survey now, or Cancel
  • If you go with the first option, choose the email template from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Send

The short video below shows how to create a capability

Note: You need to have your team members added to be able to send out the emails. To learn more about adding team members to the team, please visit our Help Center article Adding Team Members Into Teams.

Start New Survey

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Start New Survey
  • Locate the desired Survey
  • Choose between the options available: Share and invite your teammates, Postpone sharing survey now, or Cancel
  • If you go with the first option, choose the email template from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Send

In the short video below we show you how to start a new survey

Note: Existing selected surveys will be terminated, and new ones will be initiated for teams that currently possess them.

Schedule Survey

The Scheduling feature in Comparative Agility allows you to efficiently plan and manage surveys. To schedule surveys, simply:

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select Schedule Survey
  • Click on the existing schedule that you would like to apply
  • Click on Assign

The short video below shows you how to schedule surveys

To learn more about creating a schedule, please visit our Help Center article Scheduling Surveys in Comparative Agility.

Send Reminder

In case participants have not responded to the survey, you could send reminders by following these steps:

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Send Reminder option
  • Locate the Survey
  • Click on Continue
  • Choose the email template from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Send

In the short video below we show you how to send a reminder

Note: You can only send reminders to the active Surveys.

To learn more about sending reminders, please visit our Help Center article Notification History feature.

Close Surveys

To close a survey, simply:

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Close Survey option
  • Locate the Survey
  • Click on Continue

The short video below shows how to close a survey

Note: Only active Surveys can be closed.

Move Teams and Folders

Moving folders and teams has never been easier, and to do that, follow these steps:

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Move option
  • Choose where you would like them to be transferred
  • Click on the Move Here button

In the short video below we show you how to move teams and folders

To learn more about moving teams and folders, please visit our Help Center article Moving Folders and Teams.

Delete Teams and Folders

  • Choose multiple teams or your company structure
  • Select the Delete option
  • Click on Delete
  • Teams/Folders will be deleted instantly

The short video below shows how to delete teams and folders

To learn more about how to delete teams, please visit our Help Center article Deleting Teams.

Benefits of Mass Updates

  • Efficiency at Scale – Execute actions simultaneously across multiple teams, saving time and effort.
  • Consistency and Alignment – Ensure consistent capabilities and surveys are applied across teams, fostering alignment.
  • Real-Time Insights – Keep surveys up-to-date by easily initiating new assessments and closing outdated ones.
  • Streamlined Organization – Optimize team arrangement by moving multiple teams to designated folders or areas.

If you ever need any assistance or have any questions please reach out to our support team at and we will be more than happy to assist you.

If you require any further information, please send us an email and we will get back to you right away!