This article will show you one of the main parts of Comparative Agility – Sending the Surveys. Among all the options for sending the surveys that Comparative Agility offers, we suggest the Email survey option as it is very easy to track response rates and send targeted reminders.

Navigating to the sharing button

In Comparative Agility, you have the possibility to share a newly added capability or share the existing survey:

  • Share newly added capability
    • Open Structure screen
    • Locate the team you would like to add capability to
    • Click on Add new capability
    • Choose between the enabled capabilities

The short video below shows you how to share a newly added capability

  • Share the existing survey
    • Open Structure screen
    • Locate the survey you would like to share
    • Click on the Share button
    • Choose between the options for sharing

In the short video below we show you how to share the existing survey

Note: There are 3 options for sharing the existing survey: Email Survey, Copy Link, and Open Email Client.

Email surveys

This option means sending the survey directly via Comparative Agility to team members you identify. Each team member will get a separate, unique link which means we can track who has responded and prevent duplicate entries. You can therefore send reminders to people who have not responded or delete invites to the survey if necessary.

The short video below shows you how to use the email survey option

Note: We cannot tie the respective response back to an individual, thus ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.

Copy Link

This means copying the link of the survey to your clipboard, allowing you to paste the survey link into your preferred communication platform (Slack, Teams, etc.). Everyone who gets the link can respond to the survey. The system does not track who has responded, which means you cannot send reminders or prevent duplicate entries.

In the short video below we show you how to use the Copy Link option

Note: Responses cannot be tracked back to an individual, ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.

Facilitator Mode

This game-changing feature allows you to conduct live surveys, enabling real-time interactions and important conversations with your team members during the assessment process. Facilitator Mode empowers you to gather insights, spark discussions, and drive meaningful engagement directly within the survey environment.

The short video below shows you how to use the Facilitator Mode

To learn more about this feature, please visit our Help Center article Facilitator Mode.

Open Email Client

This is identical to the option Email Survey but opens up your preferred email client. Everyone who gets the link can respond to the survey. The system does not track who has responded, which means you cannot send reminders or prevent duplicate entries.

In the short video below we show you how to use the Open Email Client option

Note: Responses cannot be tracked back to an individual, ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.

Download QR code

Last but not least, this option gives you the ability to download a unique QR code and send it to your team however you prefer.

The short video below shows you how to download the QR code

If you ever need any assistance or have any questions please reach out to our support team at and we will be more than happy to assist you.

If you require any further information, please send us an email and we will get back to you right away!